Friday, August 10, 2012

UFOs (2)

I heart Kimbra.

If you have not watched the music video for "Cameo Lover" you must watch it now.

Back in January, this song was playing on the radio while I was driving. Not knowing what it was, the moment I got home, I looked it up on the playlist. Then I proceeded to listen to the song about 35 times straight. Obsessed? YES. The dancing, the outfits, the colors, the confetti, the men with painted nails and lipstick? YES! This song is pure fun. I am going to watch the video again. 

Okay. So Kimbra's dress. Don't you love it???

I thought about Kimbra's dress from that video for many many days and came up with this shirt. Not as fabulous as Kimbra's... but I like it. I found the trim in March, while looking for trim for another project. The cream poly was in my stash, so once I bought the trim, I sewed up the shirt in a hurry. The thing was, there wasn't enough material to finish the armholes. Doing some math... that means it took me 4 months to buy another 1/4 yard of the material from Joann. FOUR MONTHS. And the Joann is only a couple miles away. AND I went to Joann MULTIPLE times in between. Good grief. I have issues. 

There are many mistakes on this shirt; I removed the bust darts and the neck binding is attached incorrectly (which I didn't realize until after the pompoms were attached). I also tried out some techniques on this shirt, like a fabric-covered button and a hand-sewn thread loop. I wore in for my birthday party. FUN!!!

There's still a couple feet of trim left, so I plan to make another blouse with sleeves. :)

Check out the height of that cake!
Pattern: Simplicity 8523
Fabric: 1.25 yards- polyester from Joann; pom-pom trim from Target Trim (in downtown LA)
Time: About 5 months

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